And right from the first word, just by virtue of the fact you've got a vampire named Draco, I'm thinking of that hilariously awful goth Harry Potter fanfic, "My Immortal" lmao

Don't worry, I'll give this a genuine read and put the thoughts of being gpffik and those stupid fuckin preps out of my mind, but it was too funny an intrusive thought not to share.

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Was Draco Malfoy a vampire in that fanfic? If so, that is very unfortunate. I chose the name Draco just because I like it so much. Rowling doesn't get a monopoly on the constellation names, lol.

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It's been a long while since I read any of that and most of it didn't stick with me save the funniest bits for obvious reasons, but I'm pretty sure most of them weren't actual vampires. I do know that either Draco or Harry took Vampire on as their goth name, but I don't remember which one.

Neville Longbottom, though? He WAS a vampire! Turns out, he was adopted and his real family were vampires who died in a car crash when he was a baby, so all the cool goth kids in Slytherin (because of course they're all in Slytherin now lmao) call him Dracula.

This revelation was given shortly before all the kids were saved from Vlodemort (not Voldemort, Vlodemort. You have to get the incorrect spelling in there.) when he disguised himself and his Death Dealers as the members of My Chemical Romance. And who should save them? Why, none other than an old wizard with long black hair and a long black bread, (again, not beard, bread lmao) who was wearing a black T-shirt that said "Avirl Lavigne" on da back. It was...


(I'm sure you can guess, but this particular excerpt is still my favorite. I'm laughing as I write it haha.)

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Oof. Sounds like terrible fanfiction all right.

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Well, that's unfortunate. He let his anger blind him and he drained his best chance to figure out what the vial contained.

I thought you chose Draco, (dragon) Victus (Victory) because of something in his past.

Interesting, for sure.

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